Karen Ward


CF-L3, CF Gymnastics x2, CF Mobility, CF Endurance, CF Kids

Related experience:
BS Physical Education, PE Teacher, HS Gymnastics & Cross Country Coach, Fitness Center Director, Personal Trainer 35 years, Aerobics Instructor 30 years, Bootcamp Trainer – 15 years, Gymnast, Runner, Step Aerobics Competitor

Recent Seminars & Camps – 11 Power Monkey Camps, Outlaw, William’s Weightlifting, Carl Paoli’s Gymnastics, Power Athlete

2019 CrossFit Open – Placed 53rd in the world (Women 60+ division).

2018 CrossFit Open – Placed 83rd in the world (Women 60+ division), 2018 CrossFit Online Qualifier – Placed 49th out of top 200 in the world (Women 60+ division)

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:

Favorite gym activity:
Coaching all my wonderful and unique DFC Peeps and playing around with gymnastics skills – especially handstands.

Interesting fact about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:

Spare time – Not sure what that is. 

Honestly, my work is my passion, so I would choose to do fitness activities even in my leisure time.  My most recent pastimes include doodling on my iPad, watching videos of my three adorable grandkids, and hiking Stone Mountain with my husband (He’s adorable, too!).

Derek Lee

Business Manager

CF-L2, Spartan SGX L2

Related experience:
I have been consulting clients in nutrition as a pathway to optimal health for over 10 years – first in the area of micronutrition, and now have added in macronutrition coaching as owner of MacroRx+, a food-based coaching program.

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:

Coaching Goal:
Helping members achieve their optimal health, both in the areas of achieving a healthy body weight as well as achieving their best results in fitness. Assisting members in obtaining a breakthrough by giving them a different angle/cue to produce the correct technique.

Favorite gym activity:
Anything that is a challenging movement requiring mobility – my favorites include 1-Arm Overhead Squats, Zots Press, and the Snatch.

Interesting facts about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:
My family and I enjoy running Spartan Races – Aroo! We also enjoy playing board games, especially Euro-style games like Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Carcassonne, Gloomhaven, etc. It’s a great activity away from the electronics. For the past couple of years, I’ve begun experimenting with the more outdoor cooking in the form of smoking meats – there is something about making your own jerky, pulled pork, and brisket that is very satisfying and delicious!

Jimmy Ross


Related experience:
Crossfit coach since 2017, Coach at Bombers CrossFit (4 years, Beavercreek, OH), Jr. High Football Coach (9 years), Weightlifting coach, CrossFit Competitor, USA Weightlifting Competitor

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:
July 2022

Favorite gym activity:
Awkward object carries, Gymnastics

Interesting facts about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:
I golf a lot with my wife and friends! I also love playing softball, football, hiking with dogs, playing board games, and skiing.

Holly Rappaport


Related experience:
Played sports growing up, coached my kids’ softball/soccer teams,  and have always enjoyed fitness and competitive sports.

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:
August 2022

Favorite gym activity:
Jerks (specifically split-jerks), Cleans, Push-press, and bench press

Interesting facts about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:
Pretty much anything that involves laughter. Spending time with friends and family.  Going to concerts, comedy shows, and sports events.  I have dabbled a little with stand-up comedy and performed at a few places like Atlanta Comedy Theater and The Punchline.  I’m currently working on my cornhole skillz…who knows, you may see me representing Bush Beans on ESPN one day 😉

Myra Carmen Hall


Related experience:
Fencing instructor

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:
September 2022

Favorite gym activity:
Snatches and anything inverted.

Interesting facts about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:
Fencing, canicross, paddle boarding, reading

Jessica Chalmers

CF-L1, Brand X Youth Professional Coach, State of Florida Certified Educator, Healthy Steps Nutrition Coach

Related experience:
K-12 P.E. Teacher for over 20 years

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:
April 2023

Coach Jess started her journey in Crossfit in 2020, looking for a different and challenging workout environment. Having been a K-12 Physical Education teacher for over twenty years, Jess has transferred her passion from the classroom to coaching adults about the benefits of healthy balance and how to implement nutrition habits into any lifestyle. 

Jessica loves learning and looks forward to any opportunity to better herself as a teammate, a coach, and an individual. She loves helping children and adults become the best versions of themselves through better movement, proper nutrition, and healthy habits.

Ivan Ocampo


Related experience:

Youth Soccer Coach for three years, Soccer Coaching Certification Levels F, G, H

Coach at GoFitness/DFC Since:
February 2025

Favorite gym activity:

Gymnastics, definitely. I love rope climbing, box jumps, and wall walks. I am also set on achieving strict ring and bar muscle-ups.

Interesting facts about your life outside CrossFit or Weightlifting – what you do in your spare time:

I love camping, cooking, hanging out at the pool, and dancing with my wife. I also enjoy woodworking and DIY projects.

We’re ready to help you with your fitness and health goals!